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[% INCLUDE header.us3 title = 'UltraScan III Data Editor' %]

Edit UltraScan Multi-WaveLength (MWL) Data

MWL Data Editor Window

Where the data loaded in an editing session is comprised of multiple wavelengths (more than two), the main editor window is changed to the above form. Instead of selecting triples to edit, this MWL edit procedure consists of selecting Cell / Channel pairs and the wavelengths within those doubles. Once editing in the normal way has been completed, the user may save the edit for either the specific triple ("Save Current Edit Profile") or for all of the wavelengths of the current double ("Save to all Wavelengths").

Most of the edit controls for MWL are the same as for the standard Data Editor Window; and are not repeated here. The steps and control objects described herein are those specific to MWL processing.

Editing steps specific to MWL:

  1. Step 1: Load data from the database or a local data directory. Select an entire runID so that MWL data is recognized as such.
  2. Step 2: Select the Cell / Channel to be edited; specify the Lambda (wavelength) range to be edited; and select a single wavelength for display and edit.
  3. Step 3: Specify editing parameters - such as Meniscus, Data Range, and Plateau - in the normal Control-Click way.
  4. Step 4: Save editing for either the specific triple selected or to be applied to all wavelengths of a cell / channel double.

Functions specific to MWL:

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