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[% INCLUDE header.us3/ title = 'UltraScan III AUC Loader' %]

UltraScan Raw Data (AUC) Loader:

A number of UltraScan III applications load raw (AUC) experiment data for processing. These applications use the US_LoadAUC dialog class to allow the user to choose the data.

The dialog presented when a US_LoadAUC is executed allows a list of AUC data choices, labelled by runID, from database or local disk. A Search text field allows the list to be pared down to those of interest. Expanding the tree list allows you to limit the load to one or more triples within the run. After a data set is selected in the list, a Load button passes experiment data to the caller.

LoadAUC Dialog
  • Database Check this radio button to generate a list from the database.
  • Local Disk Check this radio button to generate an AUC data list from local disk */ultrascan/results files.
  • Select Investigator Click on this button to open an Investigator Dialog that enables you to browse potential database investigators and select one. This button is disabled for normal non-privileged users and whenever Local Disk is selected.
  • (investigator text) This read-only text box displays the current investigator ID, last name, and first name.
  • Search As characters are entered in the text box to the right of the Search label, the list of data sets is modified to consist of matching entries. A blank field restores the full list. Note that the search is case-insensitive.
  • (data list) The list of data descriptions is generated either from local disk or database. Click on an entry to indicate your choice of raw data to load.
  • Expand All Click to expand all top-level tree entries to reveal triples within runs.
  • Collapse All Click to collapse the tree list back to its original state of showing only runs.
  • Help Click to bring up this documentation.
  • Cancel Click to close the dialog with no choices made.
  • Load Click to accept the choice(s) highlighted in the data list and pass data back to the caller.

Data Set Selection

Most often, you need not expand the list tree and need only select a top level run ID description. This effectively selects all triples for the run.

You may, of course, expand some or all of the run entries in order to select specific triples of a run.

LoadAUC Triples

As documented for the Search field above, typing characters in the Search box causes the list to be limited to entries that contain the characters entered, without regard to case.

LoadAUC Search

Note that any selections must all be from the same run. Only one run selection is allowed. That is, the selection must be either of a single run or of triples within a single run.

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